An Artificial Christmas Tree for the Outside
An artificial Christmas tree dedicated for the outside can be a unique Christmas decoration for urban spaces or the fronts of shopping galleries. However, it has to be of adequate quality. Then does it not only look phenomenal, it will also be resistant to harsh weather conditions. This in turn means irreproachable looks and complete safety. It is therefore best to select a trusted brand, such as ADAL.
Attributes and where to use them
Advantages of artificial trees
Proper construction
In front of shopping malls
Urban spaces
Offer by ADAL
select your model
Spectacular realisations
What should the attributes of an artificial tree be and where to use them?
An artificial Christmas tree dedicated for the outside as many advantages over its natural counterpart. You can select virtually any size, even when speaking of very large trees. If properly made, it will be resistant to low temperatures as well as other atmospherically factors. It is important, that the entire construction is solid, as this heavily impacts everyone’s safety. This type of solution is perfect for shopping centres, and more precisely their entrances, as well as large open spaces such as plazas or squares.
Advantages of artificial trees
When selecting a Christmas tree for your home or flat, it’s perfectly fine to consider both artificial and natural trees. When thinking of the outside, the starter choice is to go artificial. Of course, they are available in very large sizes, and it’s precisely these types of trees that decorate plazas or fronts of shopping centres. Trees from the best manufacturers can be dismantled into pieces, which makes it very easy to set up the decoration, transport it and store it. Additionally they can be used for many seasons, which makes them more ecological and economical then natural Christmas trees
Solid and durable construction
It’s important to remember that these elements will stay outside for a considerable amount of time, exposed to low temperatures, rain and wind. The materials used should therefore be durable and solid, to ensure the tree stays magnificent despite harsh weather conditions. This is exactly why you should select a trusted company, such as ADAL. Properly designed, and later assembled tree will not suffer any damage of fall over. Such decoration can be used in conjunction with other elements, while not giving up on interior decorations.
Perfect in front of shopping malls
It has become a common practise for the fronts of shopping malls to be left with large open spaces. This is because when the festive period comes knocking, these spaces are perfect for Christmas decorations, which in turn draw in more customers and entangle them with the festive atmosphere. It would be a good idea to place a large Christmas tree in such a space. It will certainly leave a big impression on the visitors, but also draw in more people which is a great self-promotion for the shopping mall.
Urban space decorations
Artificial Christmas trees work wonders when placed in urban locations. Plazas, squares and spaces in front of official buildings require an impressive decoration. And what could be more impressive than a magnificent Christmas tree. ADAL creates decorations for such urban spaces, which in turn make the city inhabitants happy, as well as increase the amount of tourists.
Select an outside artificial Christmas tree by ADAL
We recommend you choose and outside artificial Christmas tree by ADAL, a trusted and experienced manufacturer. By using high quality materials, each tree looks spectacular. They have been designed in such a way, that harsh weather conditions are nothing to be worried about. We also offer a complex service package which includes assembly and disassembly of ordered trees. Our Giant models of Christmas trees comes highly recommended for outside settings which are also available in a range of styles. Such a tree can be the main part of a larger decoration, which can be seen in our project for Mlociny Gallery realised last year.
A spectacular outside festive decoration with our Christmas trees
Artificial Christmas trees are a main element of outdoor Christmas compositions in urban spaces. It could be one large tree or a few smaller models. You can also opt out for a more comprehensive decorative solution. Our Christmas trees will take centre stage while other decorations will complete the arrangement. This could have been seen at the Mlociny Gallery, which we decorated last year.
Spectacular look of Mlociny Gallery
Freshly opened, just last year, Mlociny Gallery ensured they had a unique decoration, which was realised with the use of our Christmas trees. In from of the gallery you could see a huge, 16m tall Christmas tree, surrounded by smaller trees. Some of the lighting elements of the tree would light up once you did some pedalling on a bike. This was one of the elements of a pro ecological action, Christmas “turns” us on! Outside decorations were filled with LED lights and an effective Sign “Młociny”, created out of individual letters in front of the main entrance. In turn on the inside you could see hanging pinecones, accompanied by illuminated lanterns, hanging Christmas trees and other decorations. The entire decoration was truly effective, strongly tied to nature and ecology, with the main attraction being the massive Christmas trees created by DAL, which entranced customers of the gallery.
Christmas trees are primarily used as interior decorations, but they can be just as effective when used outside. This is especially true when thinking of urban spaces and fronts of shopping galleries. Large trees work best there, as they will attract attention and bring in customers. Artificial models from a trusted manufacturer will look great, remain stable and withstand bad weather conditions, and additionally they can be used for more than a single season – we encourage you to take a look at the offer by ADAL.