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Dekoracje świąteczne na latarnie

Festive lantern decorations

Festive decorations designated for lanterns are an extremely popular and most common form of decorations present in large public spaces within our towns. Such poles and...

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Wąska choinka sztuczna

Slim Artificial Trees

Slim Christmas trees are an interesting alternative to the more traditional, sprawling Christmas tree. They are a perfect choice for smaller spaces, where anything bigger would...

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Choinka sztuczna jak prawdziwa

Artificial yet natural

An artificial Christmas tree that looks just like the real deal is a perfect alternative for live Christmas trees which you can find in town squares,...

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Radosna i uśmiechnięta dziewczynka zachwyca się dekoracjami na choince bożonarodzeniowej.

Advertising spot

Christmas time’s getting closer … It can be said that even just behind the Christmas tree …   As is our unique advertising spot full of tenderness, joy...

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Przybliżenie na detale końcówek gałązki z PE.

PE twigs

For the manufacture of many Christmas trees, ADAL uses modern, recyclable polyethylene (PE) material. The material is environmentally friendly, and the resultant precision of rendering natural needles...

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Krajobraz lasu i jeziora, w którym odbijają się drzewa i błękitne niebo.

Artificial means eco

Growing a living Christmas tree is said to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly than manufacturing an artificial one. This is substantiated by arguments referring to...

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19-metrowa Choinka Gigant udekorowana w złote pierścienie, bombki, świetlne motywy 2D oraz lampki, stojąca w Gliwicach.

Christmas tree sizes

Our wide range includes many various Christmas tree models, differing in size and shape. We can offer you both 40cm high Christmas trees that fit into smaller...

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Interaktywna figura "Reksia" w otoczeniu świetlnych prezentów i napisu „Do siego roku” w Bielsku-Białej.

Illuminated statute of Reksio

Illuminated statute of Reksio – a famous protagonist of a Polish children’s cartoon. Reksio features interactive eye-catchers such as a mobile, wagging tail and a signature barking...

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