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Festive city illumination – kind atmosphere

By illuminating our cities we can truly enjoy the wonderful climate of these winter days. Walks taking place in locations decorated characteristically to this festive period are very popular. It is up to the people how a Christmas decoration will be received and whether the city will distinguish itself from others. Thanks to the professionals here at ADAL as well as the use of original decoration it’s possible to create a phenomenal lighting effect. Check out how we do it.

Spis treści
A way to distinguish
3D figures
Interactive elements
Magical buildings
Trusted professionals
More than ordinary decorations
Safety and stability

Festive city illumination as a way to stand out

Each year around Christmas cities try and create a special festive atmosphere with the use of festive lights and decorations. The most commonly used attributes are a wide range of light installations and luxurious trees. One of a kind, original decorations completely change the feel of any urban space, making it cosy and festive. How to create such an atmosphere you may ask ? ADAL is here to help!

3D figures

They present best on squares, plazas and most importantly in front of cities most important buildings such as the City Hall. 3D figures can come in many sizes and colours. Our offer is rich in figures directly referencing the symbolisms of Christmas. It could be a Santa Claus with reindeers, but also characters and items tied with the history of a given city. Each project created by us is tightly kept to our clients vision. Such decorations are not only memorable, but are also a wonderful attraction for inhabitants and tourists. Sculptures, shimmering with colours, can help promote a city and is a perfect way to create a festive atmosphere in a public space. We also create installation, that are a sort of scene, for example a Christmas crib or installations inspired by fairy tales. You are free to choose the size of your 3D figure. They are made up of aluminium constructions and LED lights.

Interactive elements

We are also capable of creating interactive figures, which will mobilize the inhabitants, as well as tourists, to take a greater interest in said decorations. We have some experience when it comes to such constructions. One of them would the Chopin’s piano, which played the artists most popular compositions once any of the keys were touched. Our 3D figures are very solid constructions, while the use of modern technologies allows us to create beautiful and practical decorations. They can shimmer with any colour, move and make sounds. They are a wonderful attraction of kids as well as adults. We offer projects, which will reference symbols important to the population, thanks to which none will pass by indifferently.

Uliczne światełka na Boże Narodzenie

Festive illumination of urban buildings

The festive illumination of cities is not just Christmas trees, spectacular 3D figures and road ornaments. It’s also the highlighting of historical and important buildings. Such treatment can make it so that City Halls, castles, cultural buildings and many more will gain a one of a kind look. Pedestrians will not only appreciate their beauty and new character, but also take a greater interest in the works of these institutions.

Our methods

We offer a wide range of techniques for decorating buildings. We can light them up with chosen hues, which will reference historical as well as cultural values of a given city. Colours can be mixed and matched freely. Light installation are not the only decorations we use on buildings, elements such as logos and traditional symbols are a great way to highlight your cities.

Trust our professionals

ADAL has a huge experience when it comes to creating unique festive illuminations. We create wonderful scenes with the use of 3D figures, LED ropes and strings as well as other decorative elements. Many of our installations have been greatly appreciated, one such example would be the decoration created for Bielsko-Biala. We have also created a wonderful illumination project for Belvedere Palace.

Our company offers fully personalised decorations not only for Christmas time. By using 3D figures and decorative elements is a perfect way, to make sure your city stands out during important events and celebrations. It could be the days of the city or festivals. It’s also popular to commemorate significant historical events by decorating the city in patriotic colours or by creating LED signs which honour heroes and people important to the city. Such an installation will surely grab the attention of pedestrians, which will take a greater interest in the city’s history or will seek out additional facts about a particular event. Decorations created by us delight and amaze. They attract tourists that want to see these decorations with their own eyes. All of our decorations are always created from the ground up – starting with the project design to the realisation with the use of modern and interesting solutions. The fruits of our labour speak for themselves – we encourage you to take a look at some of our realisations.

More than ordinary decorations

It is common knowledge how important is it for the lights and detractions to be consistent throughout the entire city. Which is why we always use colours and elements that work well together. This ensures, that large installations and building decorations will complement each other. Decoration and installations created by us perfectly reflects the spirit of a city and fit in well with their natural charm. Thanks to this they amaze while maintaining a consistency with their surroundings.

Safety and Stability

Decorations adorning cities during Christmas time need to be aesthetically pleasing, but first and foremost they need to be safe. Both in terms of any possible activity of pedestrians, as well the heavy weather conditions associated with winter. Our decorations have been tested in a wide range of situations ensuring their stability and safety. All of our constructions are properly assembled and fixed in place by our team of professionals, ensuring their safety and preventing any damage.

Every city tries to create a special Christmas atmosphere for its inhabitants. However many of the installations are not unique and are only a nice addition. Our constructions, 3D figures and unique decorations ensure, that your city will look like no other and be recognised not only by its inhabitants, but become popular across the entire country. We encourage you to contact us, during the negotiations we can advise and help select her best project for you.

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