Valentine’s day is the biggest celebration of love we know, which naturally make the heart its biggest symbol. For many years our company has offered various solutions tied to this particular day. You can find our 3D figures in many places and cities, one of them is the town square of Kozieglowy were The City Council commissioned us to create a heart shaped gate.
What is it made of?
The valentine figure of a heart has been placed on the middle of towns square in Kozieglowy, not too far away from a lovely fountain, with iconic goat heads facing the gate. Created using an LED rope to outline the construction of the heart making it a truly spectacular element, symbolizing such an important feeling as love. Especially popular with couples, which would take some lovely photos to share their love.
Technical details
Heart figure almost 3 meters high, located in the town square of Kozieglowy, was created with 3 different planes. By combining different types of materials we received a truly unique visual effect. The outside planes have been decorated with lights designed after openwork drapes. The outline off a cold LED rope filled with light creates a truly unique visual effect. The inside plane is slight bigger than its counterparts. Covered with a slightly transparent, red material in the shape of a heart outlined with red LED rope. This valentine figure was placed on metal brackets, which were stabilized with bricks. Thanks to this it was capable of withstanding any weather conditions. Such resistance is very important which is why materials used to create this figure were also prepared to resist heavy rain and snowfall, as well as long exposures to sunlight and wind. The gate can easily fit not only 2 people, but even a big family or a group of friends. The large amount of space ensures freedom of movement and encourages to take photos in this extremely attractive location. Especially after dark when the lights get turned on, and the figure is illuminated with 2 colours. The production process has been overseen by a group of our specialists. Designers and constructors ensured that the figure looks amazing but is also safe to use. Extreme attention to detail has been used to make sure the figure comes out perfect.
Where can such a figure be placed?
The 3D valentine figure of a heart in the town of Kozieglowy can be an inspiration for many cities, which could place such a figure on their own town squares or other iconic places. The size and shape is always personalised to each location. You could also rely on our team to design and create your ideas just the way you want.
UGiM Koziegłowy
References, Light decorations