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Winterland Hasselt Belgium

  • Dekoracja świąteczna Choinki Gigant oraz Bombki dla Winterland Hasselt w Belgii.
  • Iluminacja świąteczna w formie prezentu z przejściem dla Winterland Hasselt w Belgii.
  • Iluminacja świąteczna w formie bombki z przejściem dla Winterland Hasselt w Belgii.
  • Dekoracja Choinki Gigant na środku lodowiska dla Winterland Hasselt w Belgii.

Winterland Hasselt Belgium


Enormous present and bauble with a passage inside dedicated to the Winterland Hasselt winter theme park in Belgium. The decoration was made from aluminium and filled with a red glittering mat, warm white LED lights and a warm white LED hose.


The present and bauble became very popular among visitors because, despite looking quite traditional, they seemed to be wrapped in very big packaging, against which you could take a photo.


December 2016


Winterland Hasselt Belgia


References, Other References, Urban Space